Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating & Hello to Loving What You See In The Mirror

Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating & Hello to Loving What You See In The Mirror

Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating & Hello to Loving What You See In The Mirror

Learn How I Lost Over 15kgs, KEPT IT OFF And Quit Emotional Eating And Bingeing For Good.(For 10+ years)
Without Following Strict Diets, Counting Calories And Spending Hours On The Treadmill.

Hey Lovely!
Let me guess...

You've been trying to lose weight for years with no permanent success. You feel like food has some weird control over you that you can't seem to shake. You can't face going on another diet but are so desperate to stop bingeing. The thought of wearing a bikini or being seen naked makes you want to run for the hills. You've lost your confidence and quite frankly have no idea what to do next.

Well you're in the right place! 

I want you to know I've been there. I battled with my weight and food for years. I tired all the diets, counted the calories, did everything the weight loss industry told me to do, with no long term success. My breakthrough came by doing the inner work, by looking at WHY I wanted to eat, WHY mI was gaining weight, addressing my emotions, habits and mindset...and then...EVERYTHING CHANGED. And it changed for good. 

Since then I've made peace with food and my body, I eat what I want, wear what I want, feel confident and totally at ease with food, it's amazing. And over the last 10 years have been helping other women around the world do the same.

Most women come to me wanting to lose weight, but what I want you to know is the approach we take at Mind Over Muffin will give you SO much more than weight loss. We're all about transforming your food and body story on such a deep level that you step out the other side a whole new you, feeling totally in control with food, in love with your body and radiating a level of confidence you never even thought possible.

You ready?

Hey Lovely!
Let me guess...

You've been trying to lose weight for years with no permanent success. You feel like food has some weird control over you that you can't seem to shake. You can't face going on another diet but are so desperate to stop bingeing. The thought of wearing a bikini or being seen naked makes you want to run for the hills. You've lost your confidence and quite frankly have no idea what to do next.

Well you're in the right place! 

I want you to know I've been there. I battled with my weight and food for years. I tired all the diets, counted the calories, did everything the weight loss industry told me to do, with no long term success. My breakthrough came by doing the inner work, by looking at WHY I wanted to eat, WHY mI was gaining weight, addressing my emotions, habits and mindset...and then...EVERYTHING CHANGED. And it changed for good. 

Since then I've made peace with food and my body, I eat what I want, wear what I want, feel confident and totally at ease with food, it's amazing. And over the last 10 years have been helping other women around the world do the same.

Most women come to me wanting to lose weight, but what I want you to know is the approach we take at Mind Over Muffin will give you SO much more than weight loss. We're all about transforming your food and body story on such a deep level that you step out the other side a whole new you, feeling totally in control with food, in love with your body and radiating a level of confidence you never even thought possible.

You ready?


‘3 Secret Steps To Stop Eating When You’re Stressed, Bored, Lonely or Wanting Happiness’

Learn How I Lost Over 15kgs, KEPT IT OFF And Quit Emotional Eating And Bingeing For Good (For 10+ years)Without Following Strict Diets, Counting Calories And Spending Hours On The Treadmill.

You Do NOT Have a Food Problem.

Stay with me here. I know at first this can seem like a ridiculous statement especially when you can't stop bingeing but it's true. Let me explain....

It's All About The WHY.

There is a reason WHY you emotionally eat, WHY you binge on junk food, WHY you've gained weight, WHY you eat when you're stressed, bored, sad or lonely. There is a reason WHY you sneak food when no one is looking or WHY you hate the sight of yourself in the mirror. There is a WHY behind everything you're currently feeling and the answer to this will NOT be found in a diet or running on the treadmill day after day in the hope to shift the pounds, trust me, I tried that, it didn't work.

There is a reason WHY you emotionally eat, WHY you binge on junk food, WHY you've gained weight, WHY you eat when you're stressed, bored, sad or lonely. There is a reason WHY you sneak food when no one is looking or WHY you hate the sight of yourself in the mirror. There is a WHY behind everything you're currently feeling and the answer to this will NOT be found in a diet or running on the treadmill day after day in the hope to shift the pounds, trust me, I tried that, it didn't work.

Diets are a food focused approach to weight loss that encourage restriction and deprivation and create a negative mindset with food. They will not help you solve WHY you want to eat and deal with the emotions you've attached to food.

The habits and emotions you have around food will stem from the past, most likely from childhood where the majority of our beliefs and habits are formed. If you want to truely find peace with food and your body you have to look within, you have to find the real reasons WHY you use food and start your healing from there. When you do this, food will just be food, there will be no emotional attachment anymore, you can eat what you want guilt free and any excess weight will naturally fall away.

Finding peace with food and your body is simple with the right method.

The problem is that most people focus only on the Physical Element of losing weight (governing their food, counting calories, exercise) and don't realise there are 2 other key elements that must be addressed in order to reach total food and body freedom; The Emotional Element and The Spiritual Element. This is what we do different at Mind Over Muffin, we address all 3 Elements so that you can finally lose weight, stop bingeing, love your body....AND make it last a lifetime. No more yo-yo dieting, no more lose weight and put it back on, but finally find peace and balance with food and your body.

It's this approach that has worked time and time again for our clients and ensured they have all the tools to maintain their success way into the future.

"I used to think being slim, confident and in control with food was hard work. Turns out, once all of you is in balance, mind, body and soul, it's easy."


I developed a new approach, one that involves no calorie counting, no weight loss products, no excessive exercise but a way of addressing the real issues so you can over come emotional eating and fill yourself up with life instead of food! 

Mind Over Muffin is all about the long term solution. We focus on helping you create a new, positive relationship with food and your body so that this becomes a way of life for you. No more yo-yo dieting, no more losing weight to gain it all back and more but instead dealing with the real underlying reasons behind your food habits so you can transform them once and for all.


Hey, I'm Leanne

An Emotional Eating Expert for women who are ready to take back control around food, feel confident and comfortable in their body and love what they see in the mirror...all 100% diet free. I'm also now a mumma, which I am LOVING!

I created Mind Over Muffin because of the incredible results I got by working on my emotions, habits and mindset instead of focusing on weight loss and food and I wanted to spread this method far and wide.

I developed a new approach, one that involves no calorie counting, no weight loss products, no excessive exercise but a way of addressing the real issues so you can over come emotional eating and fill yourself up with life instead of food! 

Mind Over Muffin is all about the long term solution. We focus on helping you create a new, positive relationship with food and your body so that this becomes a way of life for you. No more yo-yo dieting, no more losing weight to gain it all back and more but instead dealing with the real underlying reasons behind your food habits so you can transform them once and for all.

This will be the last approach to weight loss and emotional eating you'll need.


I know what it feels like to struggle for years with your weight, beating yourself up about failed diet attempt after attempt, hating the way you look in the mirror and spending your days obsessing over what you should and shouldn't eat. This was me for years. And the worst thing was I thought it was normal.


I know what it feels like to struggle for years with your weight, beating yourself up about failed diet attempt after attempt, hating the way you look in the mirror and spending your days obsessing over what you should and shouldn't eat. This was me for years. And the worst thing was I thought it was normal.

As desperate as I was to lose the weight and as strict as I was with diets, calorie counting and exercise (by strict I mean totally obsessed) I would ruin it all by eating crappy food in the hope to make myself feel better and so nothing would ever change. 

As desperate as I was to lose the weight and as strict as I was with diets, calorie counting and exercise (by strict I mean totally obsessed) I would ruin it all by eating crappy food in the hope to make myself feel better and so nothing would ever change. 

For a while food was my only moment of happiness, it seemed to make everything better and was an amazing distraction from the other 'stuff' I had going on; a bad break up, low self esteem and a whole load of emotion I hadn't actually dealt with. 

The problem was, the happiness from the food only lasted momentarily and when this passed the 'stuff' was still there, add to this a ton of guilt for eating the chocolate, cake, crisps or whatever it was that day I’d over indulged in, and you had the recipe for what felt like an inescapable mess!

I also never knew that the emotional stress my body was under put me into survival mode, meaning I couldn’t break down fat - no wonder my hours in the gym never did anything for me!

After years of going round in circles and 'failing' at weight loss, I had my light bulb moment. I realised that diets were not the answer to my problem because no matter how many calories I counted, it was not addressing the reason why I was using food the way I was, as a control mechanism and a comfort, which was what I really needed to deal with.

"I began working on myself instead of governing my food, obsessing over calories and exercising obsessively and the results were unbelievable."

Now I eat what I want, when I want, I listen to my body and food, well it's just food. I enjoy it when I do eat, but there's no more to it. No stress, no guilt, no anxiety, no desperation, just enjoyment and move on with the rest of my day.

I no longer wake up dreading getting out of bed because I'm so deeply upset about how I look and feel in my body. Instead I honour my body and everything it has done for me and my beautiful daughter who it grew, nurtured and continues to support every day.

Life is completely different and not because I finally succeeded with a fad diet or I hit 2 hours consistently on the treadmill every day for a year but because I got to the root of the problem. I found WHY I was using food the way I was and WHY my body was holding onto excess weight and did everything I could to heal this. It was a journey, it didn't happen over night but I got there. I learned tools that I still use today if I have moments of doubt or overwhelm and they still continue to support me.


I know what it feels like to struggle for years with your weight, beating yourself up about failed diet attempt after attempt, hating the way you look in the mirror and spending your days obsessing over what you should and shouldn't eat. This was me for years. And the worst thing was I thought it was normal.


I worked with an NLP practitioner who took me through an emotional clearing process that absolutely changed my life. (So much so I went on to get qualified myself.)

Things started to change instantly, I felt like a weight had been lifted emotionally, the emotional eating stopped (because the emotion was gone) I felt like me again and an added bonus was I lost the stubborn weight permanently, all 17kgs of it (that's over 2 stone) I felt like I got my life back, it was incredible.

My confidence came back and for the first time in years I stopped worrying about what I should be eating, I only thought about food when I was physically hungry and felt comfortable to wear a bikini! (this was huge for me) and it happened easily and naturally.

Now it's your turn!

As desperate as I was to lose the weight and as strict as I was with diets, calorie counting and exercise (by strict I mean totally obsessed) I would ruin it all by eating crappy food in the hope to make myself feel better and so nothing would ever change. 


"After 20 years of struggling with my weight I'm back in a pair of jeans that haven't fit me for 18 months"

Theresa. WA

Before the program I was hungry all of the time, I’d tried every diet out there and had a weight problem for 20 years that I just couldn’t seem to solve. I was at the point of thinking I’d be overweight forever. Doing this program has turned this all around for me, I feel like a completely different person. I’m no longer emotionally hungry, I can leave chocolate in the cupboard for weeks, I don’t count calories, I listen to my body and eat healthily and I’m back in a pair of jeans I haven’t worn for years, it’s an amazing feeling! My portion sizes have naturally decreased and I’m no longer constantly (emotionally) hungry, it’s a great feeling. I've also lost 14 cms from my stomach alone.


"In just 3 months I've lost 15lbs(7kgs) and still going strong. I'm loving my body, feeling good about myself and no longer determined by my weight".

Kristie. USA.

Before working with Leanne I had struggled with my weight my whole life. I tried every diet imaginable but nothing worked long term. Leanne has essentially transformed my life, in just 3 months I have lost 15lbs (nearly 7kgs) and still going strong. Im working out 5 plus times per week whereas before I had to drag myself onto the treadmill. I’m loving my body, feeling good about myself and am no longer determined by my weight. This has given me key to being comfortable in my own skin!

Imagine how it would feel to...

Look in the mirror and think 'wow I look good today'

Wear the clothes you want to wear and feel confident and comfortable

Go out for dinner and have dessert without feeling guilty

Have a few squares of chocolate and say no to the rest

To feel sexy in a bikini or being seen naked.

You deserve all of this lovely.

I was at the point of giving up, think I was doomed to be overweight and unhappy for the rest of my life, little did I know that a breakthrough was just around the corner and I know yours is too.


‘3 Secret Steps To Stop Eating When You’re Stressed, Bored, Lonely or Wanting Happiness’

Learn How I Lost Over 15kgs, KEPT IT OFF And Quit Emotional Eating And Bingeing For Good (For 10+ years)Without Following Strict Diets, Counting Calories And Spending Hours On The Treadmill.

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