The Last Weight Loss Program You'll Ever Need.

This is not a 'lose 10kgs in a week' plan.





Do you feel out of control with food?

Do you try to lose weight but end up gaining more?

Once you start eating you just can't stop?

You swear off all the sweet treats for the week only to binge on them all at the weekend?

You've tried all the diets out there and keep searching for 'the one' that will work?

You feel like food is the enemy and you just can't seem to solve the problem?


If you have an emotional connection to food, focusing only on the physical element (food and exercise) WILL NOT work long term for you.

What do I mean?

You can't just focus on WHAT you eat and expect to lose weight and keep it off. 

You HAVE to address WHY you want to eat.

For example, over eating because you're stressed? It's the stress that's the problem not the food. Learning how to reduce or manage your stress so you stop reaching for food IS the solution.

At Mind Over Muffin we focus on understanding the underlying reasons WHY you use food and resolving it from there.

This process works
but you have to be willing to give it the time and energy it deserves. 

It's a SOLUTION that once you master the steps you'll never have to worry about food again and weight loss will naturally happen.

If you've tried the diet approach, the excessive exercise, the restricting and governing your food and it's just not working, then this IS for YOU!.

After YEARS of struggling to lose weight and get my emotional eating under control, hundreds of failed diet attempts, useless weight loss supplements and unused gym memberships later, I found something that actually worked.

It didn’t involve the latest superfood berries sworn to decrease tummy fat or the latest apple cider vinegar trend.
Instead it was working on my mindset, habits and emotions around food that were the cause of my cravings and therefore making me eat too much and gain weight.

This was an approach totally different to the mainstream diet industry BUT it worked. And was the ONLY thing that worked for me.


My emotional eating stopped.
I could walk past the shop on the way home without stopping in for chocolate.
I could be at home myself without needing to have something yummy in the cupboard or going to the fridge 50 x per day.
I could buy petrol without HAVING to buy a sweet snack for the drive.
I could watch a movie by myself without needing popcorn and a bag of chocolatey sweetness.
I could put on my clothes without ripping myself to shreds with nasty comments, I actually started to be happy with the way I looked.
My confidence came back massively and I started going to social events again and going out for dinner with friends (which used to cause me too much stress)
I got my time and energy back because I didn’t spend it worrying about food.
I stopped obsessively weighing myself - in fact I got rid of my scales and never weigh myself anymore because I know the number doesn’t define me.
And most of all, I felt like myself again, but a more peaceful, in control, bright version of myself.



"I followed everything Leanne taught me and my whole world with food and body changed. I finally lost weight without dieting, felt confident in my body again and understood how to have a healthy relationship with food."


I loved this work so much and have learned life long skills that I will continue to use. I've even gone on to get qualified in certain therapies so I can also help women wth their emotions and mindset. One piece of advice, if you're stuck with food and your body...DO THIS! And the retreats are AMAZING!


"After 20 years of struggling with my weight I'm back in a pair of jeans that haven't fit me for 18 months"

Theresa. WA

Before the program I was hungry all of the time, I’d tried every diet out there and had a weight problem for 20 years that I just couldn’t seem to solve. I was at the point of thinking I’d be overweight forever. Doing this program has turned this all around for me, I feel like a completely different person. I’m no longer emotionally hungry, I can leave chocolate in the cupboard for weeks, I don’t count calories, I listen to my body and eat healthily and I’m back in a pair of jeans I haven’t worn for years, it’s an amazing feeling! My portion sizes have naturally decreased and I’m no longer constantly (emotionally) hungry, it’s a great feeling. I've also lost 14 cms from my stomach alone.


"Right now I'm celebrating 16 days of no Pepsi max or coke and counting. I used to drink 1.7 litres per day."


Before working with Leanne my confidence was low, I wasn't eating well and I was addicted with sugary drinks. After just a couple of sessions I felt completely different. My confidence came back, I started to believe it was ok to be fully myself and I stopped drinking Pepsi max and coke completely. This is honestly a habit I never thought I'd be able to break and I'm still going strong.

So What's Included?

My Entire 12 Step Proven System For Stopping Emotional Eating, Losing Weight And Keeping It OFF. (It's worked for me for 10+years)
Learn The Emotional - Release Weight Loss Solution process To Lose Weight From The Inside Out And Make It Last.
A step by step process to change your eating habits on a deep, core level so that you will always remain in control around food (works every time).
Techniques to aid weight loss so that you can finally lose weight without dieting, without restriction and in a way that will stick.(working for women worldwide)
Trainings On Understanding The Triggers Behind Your Eating Habits So You Can Over Power Cravings, Eat Less And Make better Choices.
Exclusive Access To The Knowledge, Tools, Process I've learned Over The 12 + Years Of Working In This Space To Ensure You're Set up For Life With The Tools And Skills You Need To Succeed.

Regular price: $997


(SELF PACED VERSION - instant access)

*Prices in Australian Dollars*

(currently on sale!)


Plus You'll Get All Of These As A bonus...

I'll give you access to my most powerful and transformative  tools to speed up your results!

Self Love Workbook

90 Page Workbook To Help You Cultivate Self Love In Your Life

Mindful Eating Journals

My Mindful Eating Journals To Help Change Your Eating Habits Fast

Eating Habit Tracker

My Simple Tracking System To Identify Your Eating Habits Easily

4 Step Quick Guide 

Learn My Guaranteed Process To Transform Your Eating Habits And Body

Affirmation Cards

30 Printable Affirmation Cards For Food And Body Positivity

Meditation Hub

Access To All My Powerful Audios To CHange Your Eating Habits.

Conquer Cravings Course

5 Part Mini Course To Conquer Cravings With EFT Tapping.

Life Time Access

You'll Get Lifetime Access To All My Membership Content.


There are 3 levels of support available to choose from;
Self paced  - Work through the course at your own pace with no live calls
Group Access - Have the addition of group coaching and message support alongside course content
1:1 - Have 1:1 Sessions With Leanne and personalised content alongside the course






*Australian Dollars* 



Access To My 12 Step Proven System; The Emotional - Release Weight Loss Solution
Life Time Membership Portal Access To All Trainings & Tools, To Help You Crush Emotional Eating, Quit Bingeing & Lose Weight
Video Trainings Made By Leanne To Help You Implement The Mind Over Muffin Method And Make Long Term Changes With Your Eating Habits & Weightloss
Meditation Hub Access Containing ALL Of My Powerful Audios To Help Reprogram Your Mind Around Food & Aid Weight Loss From The Inside Out - Even Whilst You Sleep
Guest Expert Interview Call Recordings, hear from Naturopaths, Shamanic Healers, Mindset Experts, Self Love Coaches To Support Your Journey
Access To Over 24 Live Group Call Recordings To Learn From Past Members



6 Month Group Support




*Australian Dollars*



6 x Monthly Group Coaching Circles With Leanne Where She Will Guide Your Through Processes, Help You Make Inner Changes With Your Food Habits And Answer Any Questions That You Have
3 X Bonus WorkShops Throughout The 6 Months Where You Will Transform Specific Habits, Mindset Blocks, Emotions Around Food & Your Body
Group Message Support With Leanne For 6 Months For Any Questions Or Guidance That You Need At Anytime - Have Leanne In Your Pocket For Those Tricky Times With Food
Group Support & Accountability Systems To Ensure You Hit Your Goals.

You can also upgrade to 1:1 support, details below.


1:1 Level Access

You can also add the option to work closely with Leanne over 6 months, this option Includes ALL of the Group Access, Group Coaching Calls, Group Support, Memberhsip Portal Access plus the following...

1:1 Sessions


12 x 1:1 Sessions With Leanne. I will work with you personally and guide you through my proven 12 step method to completely transform your relationship with food.  We will find the root cause of your eating habits, make changes on a deep unconscious level, reprogram and rewire old habits and behaviours so that emotional eating and bingeing is a thing of the past. I will take you through a deep emotional release process to clear out old emotional baggage you're carrying so you can lose weight and keep it off.

The benefits of working 1:1 is that the sessions will be tailored specifically for you and what you're needing. I will devise a plan that will ensure we get the results you are striving for.

You are welcome to use the sessions one per week or fortnight.

Plus 60 Minutes Floating Session Time. This time can be used freely throughout the program if you need a 'quick check in' or maybe you want to spend 15 or 20 minutes working through something that has come up but don't need a full session. 


Private 1:1 Message Access To Leanne. Have me in your pocket for those moments of need. You have personal message access to me to ask anything that comes up throughout the journey.


Personalised Meditations Created For You. I will personally make you powerful meditations and audios for what you are specifically needing along the journey. The audios can be used in your own time to help strengthen the work we are doing together.


Personalised Tasks Between Sessions. I will give you personalised tasks or guidance for between our 1:1 calls. This will ensure that you are continuing the work between sessions and maximising on our time together as well as speeding up your results.


Emotional Eating Crystal Set. You will receive a set of 2 of my emotional eating thumb crystals to help curb cravings and enhance self love. One amethyst crystal and one rose quartz. You hold them in each hand or with your thumb pressing against them and it will help cultivate calmness, overpower cravings and boost your self love.

1:1 Level Investment 

Or book a call here to speak with Leanne about the best fit for you.

Please note* We also have the option to finance your program from as low as $30 per week. Please reach out if you would like to access this option. Available for Australian residents only.



"In just 3 months I've lost 15lbs(7kgs) and still going strong. I'm loving my body, feeling good about myself and no longer determined by my weight".


Before working with Leanne I had struggled with my weight my whole life. I tried every diet imaginable but nothing worked long term. Leanne has essentially transformed my life, in just 3 months I have lost 15lbs (nearly 7kgs) and still going strong. Im working out 5 plus times per week whereas before I had to drag myself onto the treadmill. I’m loving my body, feeling good about myself and am no longer determined by my weight. This has given me key to being comfortable in my own skin!

If you're Still Here reading...I'm going to take a guess that...

You feel stuck in a lose weight/gain weight cycle that feels like it might never end?

You've have enough of counting calories and obsessing over the fat content of your low cal salad dressing and whether it's going to tip you over your allowance for the day and make you gain even more weight?

You just can't get a handle on your eating habits and are fed up of finding yourself elbow deep in a family share bag of chocolate every time your boss/partner/kids/Jane next door annoys you, and not knowing why?

I'm certain that you just want to go out and have a meal with friends without the stress of what you're going to eat or how you're not going to over indulge and 'have a blow out'.

All of this is resulting in being so deeply unhappy with your body, the extra weight you're carrying and feeling like there's absolutely no way out. I get it, I've been there, this was me for many years. I hated food but I also loved it. It was the one thing that was there for me consistently and it was the thing causing me the most pain. It made me feel so good for a moment and then hit me with a tonne of shame and guilt that would send me into a downward spiral of negative self talk and doom.

Sound familiar? What I want you to know, it's 110% possible to change this, not with restrictive diets, not with excessive exercise plans but by working on your habits, mindset and emotions around food. You will not find the answers to healing an emotional connection to food in a 1000 calorie a day diet plan, these answers are within you already, you just need to know how to find them.

This is where most people go wrong...

So you've gained weight, you think this is because you're eating too much or eating the wrong things. Because of the weight loss industry and what you've been taught, you think you need to go on a diet, restrict your food, deprive yourself of the foods you want and enjoy, which actually has the reverse effect and makes you want them more (it's psychology).

You feel hungry, frustrated and end up turning to food to make you feel better, you binge on the things you know you shouldn't have, end up feeling even worse than when you started, think 'oh well I've blown it anyway I might as well eat everything now'. Only to reach the place where you remember why you wanted to go on a diet in the first place, so take a vow that you'll 'start again on Monday and this time really stick to it'. And there's the dreaded cycle, it's never ending, and here's WHY.


Food is the distraction.
Food is the coping mechanism.
Food is the comfort.
The stress release.
The reward at the end of a hard day.
The one little thing you get to do for YOU.
It fills a space, stops you being bored, gives you a reason to procrastinate.
Decreases your anxiety for a moment.

There are so many reasons WHY food might be used BUT it's NOT the real issue. This is why you will go round in circles with weight loss because you're approaching it on the surface level, essentially treating the symptom of the problem. You're focusing ONLY on what foods you eat and how often you move your body which are not going to help you break the habits you're running around food or the childhood patterns. For example; using food to de-stress or as a reward because as a kid you were given food when you were well behaved or did something good.

These changes HAVE to come from within, by working on your mindset, your emotions, your thoughts and your habits.

You could stick to the strictest diet, lose some weight but as soon as you stop following that plan, the underlying reasons WHY you're using food will still be there, hello again emotional eating and welcome back weight.

The problem is not food. It's the reason WHY you want the food. THIS is what needs resolving.

If you eat when you're stressed, it's the stress that needs resolving.

Eating when you're anxious or overwhelmed? It's the anxiety and overwhelm that needs work.

Eating for comfort? Addressing why you're lacking comfort in other areas of your life is vital so you can fill that space and find a better way to comfort yourself.

Using food as a reward? Finding where that habit began (which is so often in childhood) and learning how to create new habits so you can stop this behaviour and enable you to find new ways to reward yourself that will actually give you what you want and not result in the guilt and shame spiral.

Eating when you're at work as a constant pick me up? Might be time to take a look at how much you enjoy your job, is it right for you, are you fulfilled in that area of life?

There are many reasons WHY you use food, uncovering them is vital in changing your eating habits. No amount of restriction or calorie counting will help you uncover the deeper reasons you're using food.
But exploring WHY you're using it is a game changer.

This is what Mind Over Muffin The Academy Is ALL About.

The Academy will teach you how to uncover the REAL reasons WHY you use food and how to break these habits for a lifetime. It's a 12 step journey that will allow you to step out the other end totally in control with food, with it not even being a thought.

Imagine this....it's 6 months from now...

You took a leap and invested in yourself, you dedicated time and energy to working on yourself, understanding your emotions, your habits, your thought processes and creating new life long habits and this is what happened...

You're looking in the mirror having lost the weight without having to restrict your food, starve yourself and drink cabbage soup.
You're wearing an outfit that you dreamed of wearing and know you look smokin' hot in it too, your confidence is radiating.
You have chocolate in the cupboard but are not fussed about it being there. You can take it or leave it, either way is ok.
When you eat something sweet that you used to consider 'bad' you eat it, enjoy it and move on, that's it, easy.
You can be home alone without being back and forth to the fridge and even enjoy a movie on the sofa in the evening without needing endless snacks. You're content and happy in your own company.
You go out for meals completely stress free knowing that you can just eat whatever you want and it's not going to effect your weight.
Food is just food, it's enjoyable but it's not everything. All the stress, worry, anxiety. shame, overwhelm, guilt, frustration you used to feel around it has GONE, like completely. You have a memory of how it used to be but you can't feel it anymore. It's AMAZING.
Your life is filled with things you love in all areas and food is not needed in that way anymore.

This is possible for you!

What Will You Learn?

Module Overview



Uncover the real reasons WHY you use food. Get really clear with the drivers behind your food habits so we can get to work on changing them.



Understand the categories of emotional eating, go deeper with the reasons you use food and learn the power your language is having on your habits.



Learn how to break the cycle of eating by meeting yourself with love and kindness. You'll create new daily habits to transform your relationship with food.



You'll uncover your current food & body story and understand where all your food habits come from. You'll create your new story and vision for the future.



Time to say goodbye to all the excess emotion that's driving your cravings. You'll learn how to decrease stress, anxiety, overwhelm and all emotions that are triggering your desire for food.



Learn how to distinguish between emotional and physical hunger so you can take back control. You'll learn a powerful process to stop the desire for certain foods and curb cravings.



The emotional weight you're carrying internally is showing up externally (physically). It's time to understand why it's there and how to release it properly.



You will release ALL the triggers you are running around food. You will learn a process to help change these deep in the unconscious mind so you stop emotional eating.



Learn a powerful technique to help you stop cravings in their tracks, beat the binge, release emotions and change your mood FAST.



Learn some secret motivation hacks to ensure you keep moving towards your goals easily and effortlessly and remain inspired.



Be guided by your body and what it needs, learn to eat based on what will support your body instead of what you emotionally want or what your diet plan tells you.



Fill your life up with things you love so you're not needing food to fill that space anymore. You'll learn some new tools to live a full up life that you love and boost your self love practices.


What Makes The Academy Different?

I get it, you've tried endless things before, wasted so much time, energy and money on all different approaches that haven't worked. The diets, the gym memberships, the slimming teas, the body wraps, the new herbal pills discovered deep in the hidden jungle, so why will this be any different?

Well I can guarantee that all the things you've been trying have been part of what I call The Physical Element and have NOT been addressing The Emotional Element and Spiritual Element. At Mind Over Muffin we know that there is more to healing your relationship with food and your body than governing what you eat and moving your body.

Your emotions, mindset, thoughts, behaviours and habits around food MUST be addressed to create a new happy, relaxed relationship with food. Once you've done  this the physical element will catch up you'll lose weight easily.

Getting your mindset in the right place will be a game changer for you.

We will heal the WHY behind your eating and make HUGE changes.

At Mind Over Muffin we work with all three Elements, the Physical, Emotional & Spiritual to ensure that all areas are in balance and no part is left unresolved.

This is the NUMBER ONE reason why women struggle and 'fail' with weight loss and stopping emotional eating because they're only addressing the Physical Element and it leaves the emotions, habits, patterns connected to food unresolved.

Once you understand each element and you learn how to acknowledge, release and resolve what needs to be done in each area you will make peace with food and your body for a LIFETIME.

We do things different around here...


No restriction, deprivation or obsessing over the scales. No meal plans, no calorie counting, just getting to the root cause of the problem. 


We work with your mindset, emotions, habits to ensure you transform your relationship with food in a deep, long lasting way.


We're all about the WHY. WHY do you want to eat? WHY do you turn to food for comfort? WHY is your body holding on to weight? 


Support where we will ensure you step out the other end free of emotional eating and fully in control.


So What's Included?

My Entire 12 Step Proven System For Stopping Emotional Eating, Losing Weight And Keeping It OFF. (It's worked for me for 10+years)
Learn The Emotional - Release Weight Loss Solution process To Lose Weight From The Inside Out And Make It Last.
A step by step process to change your eating habits on a deep, core level so that you will always remain in control around food (works every time).
Techniques to aid weight loss so that you can finally lose weight without dieting, without restriction and in a way that will stick.(working for women worldwide)
Trainings On Understanding The Triggers Behind Your Eating Habits So You Can Over Power Cravings, Eat Less And Make better Choices.
Exclusive Access To The Knowledge, Tools, Process I've learned Over The 12 + Years Of Working In This Space To Ensure You're Set up For Life With The Tools And Skills You Need To Succeed.

Regular price: $997


(SELF PACED VERSION - instant access)

*Prices in Australian Dollars*

(currently on sale!)


There are 3 levels of support available to choose from;
Self paced  - Work through the course at your own pace with no live calls
Group Access - Have the addition of group coaching and message support alongside course content
1:1 Level - Have 1:1 Sessions With Leanne and personalised content alongside the course






*Australian Dollars* 



Access To My 12 Step Proven System; The Emotional - Release Weight Loss Solution
Life Time Membership Portal Access To All Trainings & Tools, To Help You Crush Emotional Eating, Quit Bingeing & Lose Weight
Video Trainings Made By Leanne To Help You Implement The Mind Over Muffin Method And Make Long Term Changes With Your Eating Habits & Weightloss
Meditation Hub Access Containing ALL Of My Powerful Audios To Help Reprogram Your Mind Around Food & Aid Weight Loss From The Inside Out - Even Whilst You Sleep
Guest Expert Interview Call Recordings, hear from Naturopaths, Shamanic Healers, Mindset Experts, Self Love Coaches To Support Your Journey
Access To Over 24 Live Group Call Recordings To Learn From Past Members



12 Month Group Support




*Australian Dollars*



12 x Monthly Group Coaching Circles With Leanne Where She Will Guide Your Through Processes, Help You Make Inner Changes With Your Food Habits And Answer Any Questions That You Have
3 X Bonus WorkShops Throughout Where You Will Transform Specific Habits, Mindset Blocks, Emotions Around Food & Your Body
Group Message Support With Leanne For Any Questions Or Guidance That You Need At Anytime - Have Leanne In Your Pocket For Those Tricky Times With Food
Group Support & Accountability Systems To Ensure You Hit Your Goals.


Plus You'll Get All Of These As A bonus...

I'll give you access to my most powerful and transformative  tools to speed up your results!

Self Love Workbook

90 Page Workbook To Help You Cultivate Self Love In Your Life

Mindful Eating Journals

My Mindful Eating Journals To Help Change Your Eating Habits Fast

Eating Habit Tracker

My Simple Tracking System To Identify Your Eating Habits Easily

4 Step Quick Guide 

Learn My Guaranteed Process To Transform Your Eating Habits And Body

Affirmation Cards

30 Printable Affirmation Cards For Food And Body Positivity

Meditation Hub

Access To All My Powerful Audios To CHange Your Eating Habits.

Conquer Cravings Course

5 Part Mini Course To Conquer Cravings With EFT Tapping.

Life Time Access

You'll Get Lifetime Access To All My Membership Content.

You can also upgrade to 1:1 support, details below.


1:1 Level Access

You can also add the option to work closely with Leanne over 6 months, this option Includes ALL of the Group Access, Group Coaching Calls, Group Support, Membership Portal Access plus the following...

1:1 Sessions


12 x 1:1 Sessions With Leanne. I will work with you personally and guide you through my proven 12 step method to completely transform your eating habits.  We will find the root cause of your eating habits, we will make changes on a deep unconscious level, reprogram and rewire old habits and behaviours so that emotional eating and bingeing is a thing of the past. I will take you through a deep emotional release process to clear out old emotional baggage you're carrying so you can lose weight and keep it off.

The benefits of working 1:1 is that the sessions will be tailored specifically for you and what you're needing. I will devise a plan that will ensure we get the results you are striving for.

You are welcome to use the sessions one per week or fortnight.

Plus 60 Minutes Floating Session Time. This time can be used freely throughout the program if you need a 'quick check in' or maybe you want to spend 15 or 20 minutes working through something that has come up but don't need a full session. 


Private 1:1 Message Access To Leanne. Have me in your pocket for those moments of need. You have personal message access to me to ask anything that comes up throughout the journey.


Personalised Meditations Created For You. I will personally make you powerful meditations and audios for what you are specifically needing along the journey. The audios can be used in your own time to help strengthen the work we are doing together.


Personalised Tasks Between Sessions. I will give you personalised tasks or guidance for between our 1:1 calls. This will ensure that you are continuing the work between sessions and maximising on our time together as well as speeding up your results.


Emotional Eating Crystal Set. You will receive a set of 2 of my emotional eating thumb crystals to help curb cravings and enhance self love. One amethyst crystal and one rose quartz. You hold them in each hand or with your thumb pressing against them and it will help cultivate calmness, overpower cravings and boost your self love.

1:1 Level Investment 

Or book a call here to speak with Leanne about the best fit for you.

Please note* We also have the option to finance your program from as low as $30 per week. Please reach out if you would like to access this option. Available for Australian residents only.



"Doing this has changed my life in ways that I did not think possible"


At 47, I finally feel free from the trap of dieting and at peace with my weight being a non event. My attitude to food has changed; I once believed that food provided freedom, I now know healthy living is freedom. I have a brighter more positive outlook on life and I am so much more confident.


I developed a new approach, one that involves no calorie counting, no weight loss products, no excessive exercise but a way of addressing the real issues so you can over come emotional eating and fill yourself up with life instead of food! 

Mind Over Muffin is all about the long term solution. We focus on helping you create a new, positive relationship with food and your body so that this becomes a way of life for you. No more yo-yo dieting, no more losing weight to gain it all back and more but instead dealing with the real underlying reasons behind your food habits so you can transform them once and for all.


Hey, I'm Leanne

An Emotional Eating Coach for women who are ready to take back control around food, feel confident and comfortable in their body and love what they see in the mirror...all 100% diet free. I'm also a mumma, which I am LOVING!

I created Mind Over Muffin because of the incredible results I got by working on my emotions, habits and mindset instead of focusing on weight loss and food and I wanted to spread this method far and wide.

I developed a new approach, one that involves no calorie counting, no weight loss products, no excessive exercise but a way of addressing the real issues so you can over come emotional eating and fill yourself up with life instead of food! 

Mind Over Muffin is all about the long term solution. We focus on helping you create a new, positive relationship with food and your body so that this becomes a way of life for you. No more yo-yo dieting, no more losing weight to gain it all back and more but instead dealing with the real underlying reasons behind your food habits so you can transform them once and for all.

This will be the last approach to weight loss and emotional eating you'll need.


I know what it feels like to struggle for years with your weight, beating yourself up about failed diet attempt after attempt, hating the way you look in the mirror and spending your days obsessing over what you should and shouldn't eat. This was me for years. And the worst thing was I thought it was normal.


I know what it feels like to struggle for years with your weight, beating yourself up about failed diet attempt after attempt, hating the way you look in the mirror and spending your days obsessing over what you should and shouldn't eat. This was me for years. 

As desperate as I was to lose the weight and as strict as I was with diets, calorie counting and exercise (by strict I mean totally obsessed) I would ruin it all by eating crappy food in the hope to make myself feel better and so nothing would ever change. 

As desperate as I was to lose the weight and as strict as I was with diets, calorie counting and exercise (by strict I mean totally obsessed) I would ruin it all by eating crappy food in the hope to make myself feel better and so nothing would ever change. 

For a while food was my only moment of happiness, it seemed to make everything better and was an amazing distraction from the other 'stuff' I had going on; a bad break up, low self esteem and a whole load of emotion I hadn't actually dealt with. 

The problem was, the happiness from the food only lasted momentarily and when this passed the 'stuff' was still there, add to this a ton of guilt for eating the chocolate, cake, crisps or whatever it was that day I’d over indulged in, and you had the recipe for what felt like an inescapable mess!

I also never knew that the emotional stress my body was under put me into survival mode, meaning I couldn’t break down fat - no wonder my hours in the gym never did anything for me!

After years of going round in circles and 'failing' at weight loss, I had my light bulb moment. I realised that diets were not the answer to my problem because no matter how many calories I counted, it was not addressing the reason why I was using food the way I was, as a control mechanism and a comfort, which was what I really needed to deal with.

"I began working on myself instead of governing my food, obsessing over calories and exercising obsessively and the results were unbelievable."

Now I eat what I want, when I want, I listen to my body and food, well it's just food. I enjoy it when I do eat, but there's no more to it. No stress, no guilt, no anxiety, no desperation, just enjoyment and move on with the rest of my day.

I no longer wake up dreading getting out of bed because I'm so deeply upset about how I look and feel in my body. Instead I honour my body and everything it has done for me and my beautiful daughter who it grew, nurtured and continues to support every day.

Life is completely different and not because I finally succeeded with a fad diet or I hit 2 hours consistently on the treadmill every day for a year but because I got to the root of the problem. I found WHY I was using food the way I was and WHY my body was holding onto excess weight and did everything I could to heal this. It was a journey, it didn't happen over night but I got there. I learned tools that I still use today if I have moments of doubt or overwhelm and they still continue to support me.

"I used to think being slim, confident and in control with food was hard work. Turns out, once all of you is in balance, mind, body and soul, it's easy."


I know what it feels like to struggle for years with your weight, beating yourself up about failed diet attempt after attempt, hating the way you look in the mirror and spending your days obsessing over what you should and shouldn't eat. This was me for years. And the worst thing was I thought it was normal.

As desperate as I was to lose the weight and as strict as I was with diets, calorie counting and exercise (by strict I mean totally obsessed) I would ruin it all by eating crappy food in the hope to make myself feel better and so nothing would ever change. 

Imagine how it would feel to...

Look in the mirror and think 'wow I look good today'

Wear the clothes you want to wear and feel confident and comfortable

Go out for dinner and have dessert without feeling guilty

Have a few squares of chocolate and say no to the rest

To feel sexy in a bikini or being seen naked

You deserve all of this lovely.

I was at the point of giving up, think I was doomed to be overweight and unhappy for the rest of my life, little did I know that a breakthrough was just around the corner and I know yours is too.


"I no longer drag myself out of bed, my energy is high and I go to the kitchen looking for what's fresh not what's quick and easy".


Before the program I wasn’t sleeping well, my energy levels were low and I used food to improve my day. I was surprised how much my jeans weren’t doing up and in just 12 weeks there is such a difference. I no longer drag myself out of bed anymore, my energy is high, I now go into the kitchen looking for what’s fresh instead of what’s quick and easy and I now have such a great sense of self belief and think positively. I’ve also made the best connections with the other women in the group, I love those girls!.


"My portion size has decreased dramatically. If I'm hungry I'll eat and when I'm full I stop. It's nice to feel in control."


Before the program I had very little belief in myself and was in a toxic relationship that I couldn’t bring myself to leave, I’d tried all the weight loss systems and never stuck to anything. From doing the program, I found the courage and strength to leave that relationship and put myself first and now know I deserve to be happy, and I actually stuck to the program! I’m also calmer, more present and believe in myself. In terms of food, my portion size has dramatically decreased. If I’m hungry, I’ll eat and when I’m full I’ll stop. I loved the group calls and accountability, I’ve made life long friends with some of the ladies and am meeting 2 of them in person later this year. It was fantastic!


"I have stopped emotional eating for over 2 years now and am SO happy to have broken free. I never turn to food for comfort anymore."


I'm so grateful to have found you a few years ago and conquer my emotional eating. I haven't done it for over 2 years now and am so happy to have broken free. I never turn to food for comfort anymore and it's such a blessing on my mental health.I eat whatever I want now and never binge so my weight stays stable and I have no guilt around having a few treats when I feel like it! Having a baby can be quite stressful so I totally understand why people turn to food but I've actually had people asking me 'how do you look so good after having a baby' and I tell them, I overcame emotional eating and I tell them about you Leanne. It's so amazing. I never thought I would be able to do this long term, I'm so stoked. Thank you so much.


Should I choose 1:1 or the group option?

I will teach you everything I know and you will have support throughout the whole journey regardless of which option you choose. The difference with 1:1 is we can be more specific and tailored to exactly what you're needing. I will be working with you personally to get results and we can make quick progress working 1:1. If you're looking for a more tailored and personal experience 1:1 is the way to go. We also now have the self paced version making the program more accessible for everyone. 

Should I choose the self paced version?

This option will give you access to ALL of my content, tools, processes and the proven system to help you overcome emotional eating, quit bingeing and lose weight from the inside out. It's a great option if you want low cost, with high value and want to work through at your own pace and speed. You can always add group or 1:1 support on later too.

Can you guarantee it will work?

Nothing in life is guaranteed and this kind of work depends very much on the level of commitment you bring. But what I can say is these tools work, they get results time and time again and will help you change your eating habits on a permanent level. However you will need to take action, I can’t do it for you. I can teach you everything I know and give you support and direction but you need to show up too.

What if I can’t make the group calls?

All calls, workshops, meditations, guest expert interviews are recorded and shared on the membership site so you can access them.

How long can I be in the group?

You have 6 months access to the group support when you purchase the group option or 1:1. Access to the membership portal is for a lifetime.

Do you offer refunds?

No I do not. I work with women who are ready to change and committed to getting results. The way the program content is provided means that you can access all material at once and so for that reason I do not offer refunds unless under very specific circumstances. I never want to start out a relationship with the idea in the back of your mind you might be quitting, if we’re doing this, we’re doing it. I’m 110% committed to you and I hope you bring the same.

How will this be different to what I’ve tried before?

If you’ve been stuck in the dreaded weight loss cycle for a while, gain weight, diet, lose a bit of weight, put it all back on again and the approaches you’ve been trying are food focused and exercise based, this is completely different. This method will work from the inside out, it will teach you how to master your mind, emotions and habits to create a new more positive relationship with food and ensure emotional eating is a thing of the past.

I feel scared to spend this money, it feels like a lot.

I get that. Oh do I get that. I’ve invested A LOT of money i myself over the years but what I would say, is that this is an investment, you’re not wasting money here, you’re investing in life long tools that you will carry for ward for the rest of your life. They will change things for you in ways you never expected. This is also a 12 month journey, 12 months of support, 1 whole year of working with me, so the price s actually AMAZING. Sometimes we feel fear when we’re about do something really exciting, you deserve it my love, you really do.
P.s we also have incredible finance options from as low as $30 per week.

Why is the program 6 months?.

I’ve been working in this space a long time, over 11 years now and I’ve run programs of all different lengths. What I’ve learned is that you can understand this work fast and start making changes quickly, however integrating it as a lifestyle and really mastering it for long term changes is the part that takes time and support. I want you to succeed. I want this to be the last program you need to heal your relationship with food and I know in this time with the ongoing support you will achieve it. Plus, it will fly by! After your 6 months there are options to renew your membership if you wish to coninuegroup support.



There are 3 levels of support available to choose from;
Self paced  - Work through the course at your own pace with no live calls
Group Access - Have the addition of group coaching and message support alongside course content
1:1 Level - Have 1:1 Sessions With Leanne and personalised content alongside the course






*Australian Dollars* 



Access To My 12 Step Proven System; The Emotional - Release Weight Loss Solution
Life Time Membership Portal Access To All Trainings & Tools, To Help You Crush Emotional Eating, Quit Bingeing & Lose Weight
Video Trainings Made By Leanne To Help You Implement The Mind Over Muffin Method And Make Long Term Changes With Your Eating Habits & Weightloss
Meditation Hub Access Containing ALL Of My Powerful Audios To Help Reprogram Your Mind Around Food & Aid Weight Loss From The Inside Out - Even Whilst You Sleep
Guest Expert Interview Call Recordings, hear from Naturopaths, Shamanic Healers, Mindset Experts, Self Love Coaches To Support Your Journey
Access To Over 24 Live Group Call Recordings To Learn From Past Members



6 Month Group Support




*Australian Dollars*



6 x Monthly Group Coaching Circles With Leanne Where She Will Guide Your Through Processes, Help You Make Inner Changes With Your Food Habits And Answer Any Questions That You Have
3 X Bonus WorkShops Throughout The 6 Months Where You Will Transform Specific Habits, Mindset Blocks, Emotions Around Food & Your Body
Group Message Support With Leanne For 6 Months For Any Questions Or Guidance That You Need At Anytime - Have Leanne In Your Pocket For Those Tricky Times With Food
Group Support & Accountability Systems To Ensure You Hit Your Goals.

You can also upgrade to 1:1 support, details below.

1:1 Level Access

You can also add the option to work closely with Leanne over 6 months, this option Includes ALL of the Group Access, Group Coaching Calls, Group Support, Memberhsip Portal Access plus the following...

1:1 Sessions


12 x 1:1 Sessions With Leanne. I will work with you personally and guide you through my proven 12 step method to completely transform your eating habits.  We will find the root cause of your eating habits, we will make changes on a deep unconscious level, reprogram and rewire old habits and behaviours so that emotional eating and bingeing is a thing of the past. I will take you through a deep emotional release process to clear out old emotional baggage you're carrying so you can lose weight and keep it off.

The benefits of working 1:1 is that the sessions will be tailored specifically for you and what you're needing. I will devise a plan that will ensure we get the results you are striving for.

You are welcome to use the sessions one per week or fortnight.

Plus 60 Minutes Floating Session Time. This time can be used freely throughout the program if you need a 'quick check in' or maybe you want to spend 15 or 20 minutes working through something that has come up but don't need a full session. 


Private 1:1 Message Access To Leanne. Have me in your pocket for those moments of need. You have personal message access to me to ask anything that comes up throughout the journey.


Personalised Meditations Created For You. I will personally make you powerful meditations and audios for what you are specifically needing along the journey. The audios can be used in your own time to help strengthen the work we are doing together.


Personalised Tasks Between Sessions. I will give you personalised tasks or guidance for between our 1:1 calls. This will ensure that you are continuing the work between sessions and maximising on our time together as well as speeding up your results.


Emotional Eating Crystal Set. You will receive a set of 2 of my emotional eating thumb crystals to help curb cravings and enhance self love. One amethyst crystal and one rose quartz. You hold them in each hand or with your thumb pressing against them and it will help cultivate calmness, overpower cravings and boost your self love.

1:1 Level Investment 

Or book a call here to speak with Leanne about the best fit for you.

Please note* We also have the option to finance your program from as low as $30 per week. Please reach out if you would like to access this option. Available for Australian residents only.



Ready To Crush Emotional Eating, Quit Bingeing and Get Back In Those Skinny Jeans?

It’s time lovely, I see you, I know you’re ready and I want you to know I’ve got you, every step of the way.

Let’s go on an incredible journey together the next 6 months. I want you to step out the other end not even recognising yourself and the way you are with food. No more bingeing, no more feeling powerless to food, but you back in control as the best version of you.

I'll see you in The Academy.

I believe in you. 

Leanne x x

© Copyright Mind Over Muffin 2024.  All Rights Reserved

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Investment Options For 1:1

Work 1:1 with me throughout this journey.






All inclusions of Academy Group Level PLUS...

12 x 1:1 Sessions With Leanne.
60 Minutes Floating Session Time.
Private 1:1 Message Access To Leanne.
Personalised Meditations Created For You.
Personalised Tasks Between Sessions
Emotional Eating Crystal Set.








All inclusions of Academy Group Level PLUS...

12 x 1:1 Sessions With Leanne.
60 Minutes Floating Session Time.
Private 1:1 Message Access To Leanne.
Personalised Meditations Created For You.
Personalised Tasks Between Sessions
Emotional Eating Crystal Set.

*Finance options also available starting from $50 per week subject to approval. Valid for Australian residents only.

Have Questions? Book A Call.

Have questions about which option is best for you or how specifically 1:1 will work for you, you can book a free call here.





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